
Donald Trump has made violent threats against former Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley and made light of the attempted murder of Paul Pelosi, husband of Nancy Pelosi. He has revealed nuclear secrets in casual conversations, belittled disabled veterans, allegedly assaulted a woman back in the '90's, etc. Trump himself is clearly unstable, but his supporters for the most part are not. That actually makes them worse than he is. If you're OK justifying any of these things...you are NOT OK. Republicans have plenty of choices this primary season, including sane people like Nikki Haley or Chris Christie if they can't pull themselves to vote for Joe Biden. It's often said by Trump supporters that those on the other side lack the same enthusiasm for their candidate as they do, which is true. That's because they aren't worshiping them like some kind of idol. Only a con man would revel in that level of insane and idolatrous devotion or encourage it, and his supporters have been successfully conned.