8/7/19 The News-Dispatch & The Herald-Argus

With critical issues like the environment, cruelty at the border, and democracy's preservation at stake, I find it a bit puzzling why the left wing of the Democratic party is ganging up on more middle-of-the-road front-runner Joe Biden, as evidenced by the nastiness of Kamala Harris and others during the debates. Biden is the only Democrat with a clear lead over Trump in polls, and swing voters are unlikely to flip for the others. Unfortunately, this is why Democrats tend to lose elections: they ignore engagement of strategic demographics (swing state voters, older voters, soft Republicans) outside of its base and echo chamber. I don't know if running poor campaigns is a subconscious form of self-sabotage; but it's as if the far left of the party enjoys being the idealistic underdog so much that they will work against any level of political gain that they don't believe will yield immediate results. They have to realize that even if someone like Bernie Sanders, (someone whose heart is in the right place on many issues) were elected, he wouldn't be able to accomplish half of his agenda due to congressional obstructionism. Perhaps he could use executive orders to help people rather than hurt people, unlike the current Commander-in-Chief. But so could Biden, and that's the crux of it: they are thinking about politics purely from the heart, and not from the head too. Some political gains, after all, are better than none.