10/8/14 The News-Dispatch & 10/9/14 The Herald-Argus

The Ebola virus is ravaging West Africa and has finally reached the United States. While we certainly have a better chance at containing it, the case of an infected man who had just come to the U.S. from Liberia who was sent home by an ER nurse is disturbing, to say the least. It took two days before he was quarantined.  Initially he was just given antibiotics and not taken too seriously.
Google "Ebola" and you'll see how nasty this virus is - and just how terribly handled it has been in Africa - with bodies left to rot in the streets and general chaos.
Our biggest obstacles to containment here in the states are (1) a government that isn't screening people coming into the U.S. from infected nations let alone restricting flights, (2) uninsured or underinsured people wary of seeing the doctor, and (3) unprepared medical staff.