5/15/09 The News-Dispatch

It's understandable that traditional Catholics are upset about the president being granted an honorary degree by Notre Dame, in so far as he is pushing legislation that would in effect shut down Catholic hospitals or force them to perform abortions, which these days is issue #1 to the church.  However, when they act like he shouldn't be able to so much as speak at a commencement (when the topic is not abortion), it makes them look afraid to have civil dialogue like mature adults. I agree with their message that Obama should change his views on abortion - especially his more radical support for allowing it anywhere, anytime. I disagree with the radical and ridiculous methods of people like Randall Terry and Alan Keyes. How can you take people seriously when they're pushing around strollers with Cabbage Patch dolls covered in ketchup? Conclusion: I'd let him speak (he's a sitting president for crying out loud) asking him to not discuss his pro-choice views. Also, if I wanted to make a statement about his abortion views, I'd just withhold the degree.